
2018Ei Compendex收录出版物期刊目录(核心期刊)

 文章来源:中国核心期刊网     更新时间:2018-04-27 16:51

美国工程信息公司(Ei)是世界上最大的工程信息提供者之一,其产品《工程索引》早已被国内科技界人士所熟知。Ei于1998年3月在中国推出该公司的获奖Internet服务--Engineering Information Village(简称EiVillage)。 Compendex是工程和应用科学领域里最权威的文摘索引数据库,提供了1969年至今的一千多万条文献记录,内容覆盖190种工程类学科,收录来自55个国家的超过5,600种期刊、商业杂志和会议录里的文章,每年新增记录约650,000条。目前,以大的专业范畴统计,该数据库中电气工程类文献约占35%;化学工程和土木工程类各占约15%,矿业类和机械工程类各占12%;其它工程相关学科约占11%。数据每周更新。目前我馆订购的是1969年以来的数据。 在Ei Village2新界面中,还提供了USPTO和Esp@cenet以及Scirus的链接。USPTO是美国专利商标局的网站,可以查询包含6000000多个美国专利的全文数据库,由此可检索到从1790年至最近几周所发布的专利全文。通过Esp@cenet可以检索欧洲各国家专利局及欧洲专利局(EPO)、世界知识产权组织(WIPO)和日本所登记的专利。Scirus 是迄今为止在因特网上最全面的科技专用搜索引擎,覆盖超过1.05亿个科技相关的网页。

最新2018年Ei Compendex收录出版物期刊目录(版本号:CPXSourceList_01012018)目前已经更新。经过雅诗论文网编辑比对,相对于17年最后一期目录,EI官方又审核拉黑了几十本期刊。查看这些刊物不难发现,在最近的刊期中文章数量大幅飙升(灌水),学术质量大幅下滑。在新收录的期刊方面:“CHINESE JRS on SERIALS LIST”中新增了5本国内刊物,这也是对国内期刊学术质量的肯定。近年来国内学者投稿数量增多,在选择刊物方面,也期望作者们多多留意。

2018年Ei Compendex收录出版物的期刊目录(下载):2018年Ei源刊目录

针对Ei Compendex核心目录中的一些关键词术语,EI官方目前也详细的阐述(详见目录DEFINITIONS)。


1.The list is continuously maintained, and will be updated on-line as needed.
(“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”是一直动态更新的,并且在有需要时公布更新。)

2.The update date shown at the top of each sheet in source list has no relation to the "on-hold" and "cancelled" dates, or last volume/issue being processed.


1.Titles covered in Ei Compendex are subject to periodic review and re-evaluation to ensure they still adhere to our content evaluation and selection criteria.

(为了确保Ei Compendex收录的出版物一直符合“Ei Compendex收录评估和选择标准”所有被Ei Compendex收录的出版物都会被定期复审和重新评估。)

2.Titles are put “on hold” while we research concerns about content quality, publishing ethics, and any publishing practices that may be unacceptable.
(当具体出版物的内容质量,出版伦理和其任何出版行为与“Ei Compendex收录评估和选择标准”有悖,该出版物将被“暂停收录”。)

3.Titles put "on hold" are candidates for possible cancellation.

4.Investigation can take a short while or many months and, during the period of investigation, no content from the "on-hold" title will be processed or indexed in our database.
(复审的过程可能短暂也可能耗时数月,在复审期间“暂停收录”的具体出版物不会被Ei Compendex数据处理和收录。)

5.The "on hold" start date is noted next to each title listed on the "on hold" list. This date has no relation to the update date of the source list.
(在“暂停收录出版物名单”上,具体出版物的“暂停收录”开始时间明确标注在该出版物信息栏内。这个日期和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。)

6.The notation "to be confirmed" means we will input the last volume/issue in the next update. The last volume/issue to be covered will be solely Ei's decision and it will have no relation to the update date of the source list.
(“有待确认”的注释是指“暂停收录”的具体出版物最后收录的卷号/期号会在以后的更新中确认。这个最后收录的卷号/期号纯属Ei的决定,并且和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。)

7.If/when, after concluding our investigation, a decision is made to discontinue coverage of a title, the title is discontinued as of the last volume/issue noted at the time the title was put "on hold".  This date has no relation to the update date of the source list.
(当复审结束,如果复审的决定是“暂停收录”的具体出版物被停止收录,该出版物的最后收录的卷号/期号是该出版物在“暂停收录出版物名单”中注明的最后收录的卷号/期号。这个最后收录的卷号/期号和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。)


When a decision is made to discontinue a title's coverage in Ei Compendex, the title is discontinued as of the last volume/issue/page noted on the Discontinued list. This date has no relation to the update and online publication date of the source list.
(当某一出版物被Ei Compendex“停止收录”时,其被收录的最终卷号/期号/页数会注明在 “停止收录出版物目录”中该出版物对应的信息栏内。其最终收录卷号/期号/页数与“Ei Compendex收录出版物目录”的更新及发布时间无关。)


Titles marked as Open Access (OA) on the list have been verified as such in the DOAJ (https://doaj.org/) and/or ROAD (http://road.issn.org/) databases. Titles on this list not found in the DOAJ and/or ROAD databases are not marked as OA on this list.


All decisions are final.(所有的绝对都是最终决定)

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